When preparing to sell your home, you may question whether you should renovate or sell your home as-is. Should you update or offer it in as-is
condition. This may especially be the case if your current residence is older and / or in need of some current fix-up.
The answer to this question has been the key to numerous debates over the years – and there are a couple of ways that you can go, depending on your specific situation. But overall, there are some things to consider before moving ahead.
First, you will want to obtain both an “as-is” value of your home, as well as an “after repaired value,” or ARV. This will give you a better idea of what you could realize from either scenario. You will also need to determine just how much the repairs or updates would cost. In this case, you would not want to go “all out,” as it is possible that a potential buyer may not like the colors or the style that you’ve chosen.
Here, it is important to keep in mind “repair before remodel,” as you are really just trying to remove items that may be an objection that a potential purchaser might have, as versus remodeling the home to fit your specific taste. Given that, be sure that if your updates include any type of painting or flooring, that you stick with neutral color schemes.
If, on the other hand, it does not make sense to make the necessary updates or repairs, you may simply opt to offer your home as-is. This, too, can oftentimes lead to a fast offer from a buyer who realizes that they can get a good deal, knowing that they can submit a lower offer price.
Are you considering selling your home in the Orlando or surrounding area? If so, Contact Me. I can provide you with a free, no obligation analysis of your home’s current value, and can also offer you suggestions for moving forward.